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The Shades 4 U Foundation

Not only are The Evansville Kings a semi-pro indoor soccer team, but we are a proud member of the Greater Evansville Area & Tri-State Community.  It is important to give back as acts of kindness, charity and humanity are what makes a person 'Royal!'  Become a part of our Royalty Club by being involved and informed about some of our non-profit organizations and other agencies that we have take a genuine interest and are developing a relationship with.

The Shades 4 U Foundation is an upstart, non-profit charitable organization that helps communities fight Child Sexual Abuse.  Through raising awareness, helping prevention and supporting the recovery of victims & survivors, The Shades 4 U Foundation encourages all that 'Your Future is So Bright... Here's Shades 4 U!'


The premise of the organization is to provide an extra attack against this social epidemic that 'affects 40-60 million Americans' alone.  According to the National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN), ' one out of every four girls and one out of every seven boys, before the age of eighteen (18), will be sexually abused.'


It is important to give a voice and shed light on such a tragic subject that affects so many.  The Evansville Kings are on board in their efforts to fight Child Sexual Abuse.


      to Come !
      ... & More

The Evansville Kings is a proud member of Philanthropy

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